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The Road Ahead

19 Jul 2024 17:13 by Alexander John
Length: 1 minute, 6 seconds (220 words)

Many longstanding applications have roots in now surpassed technologies, practices and programming languages. Work on Camino and its' various dependencies started over fifteen years ago and was written in the language we were most familar with, Visual Basic.NET (VB).

A lot has changed since the first working builds of Camino, and VB is now effectively a dead language. Microsoft has ceased development and there will no additional features will be added to it. It will remain support for at least until 2029, but anything written in it will be unable to leverage new tools and functionality within the .NET architecture.

Consequently, we have engaged in a long-term program of converting and rebuilding our applications and libraries to C#. This was not something that could be done overnight and has had to be done alongside the normal day-to-day upgrades, updates and application release schedule.

With the 19th July 2024 release of Camino (version 2.5.3555), it and all Calzada Media dependent libraries are now written in C#. In the coming weeks, we will be rolling out this version to active Camino customers.

This isn't the end of development for Camino. We've got a significant number of planned upgrades and new features we are planning to roll out in the coming months.

14 Nov 2017 15:56 by Alexander John
Length: 12 seconds (41 words)

After a little while away, the TaxiOffice demo website is now back up and running. The demo is running the latest version of TaxiOffice that incorporates a number of reliability, performance and stability improvements.

Try out the demo today

07 Dec 2016 13:02 by Alexander John
Length: 55 seconds (184 words)

In October, Microsoft announced changes to UK pricing that will take take effect from 1st January 2017. The reasons given for the price increase is to harmonise UK pricing with the euro level pricing in the EU/EFTA region and the reduced value of the pound against the dollar in recent months.

From 1st January 2017, the prices for all Microsoft Cloud Services including Office 365. Azure, Dynamics 365 etc. will increase by 22%. However, because many of these services are price-protected for the term of 12-month subscription, the price change will only occur at renewal. For example, if you took out a new Office 365 subscription in September 2016, the price you pay will remain the same until September 2017, after which the price for the subscription will increase in line with current levels.

Similarly, Hosted Exchange prices will also increase, but by a smaller amount. From 1st January 2017, Hosted Exchange prices will increase by 12%.

These price increases will impact all suppliers of Microsoft cloud services in the UK including those purchase directly from Microsoft.

29 Feb 2016 17:58 by Alexander John

As we indicated back in January, from tomorrow (1st March 2016) all .UK domains will be increasing in price to £5.99 + VAT / Year. This price increase is unavoidable as the UK Registry Nominet will be increasing the prices it charges for all .UK domains by around 50%.

From tomorrow, all .UK domains will be charged at the new rate of £5.99 + VAT / Year. The affected domains are:


To take advantage of the current pricing, we encourage all of our customers to renew or register your domain names for upto the maximum of 10 years before the end of today (29th February 2016).

The change to the new price will occur to coincide with registry change at 00:00:00 GMT on 1st March 2016

25 Feb 2016 12:49 by Alexander John

Our Hosted Exchange mailboxes are bigger - much bigger. If our standard 50GB is not large enough, we now offer upto a massive 125GB mailbox.

Hosted Exchange is the cost effective solution to exploiting enterprise communications systems without the expense of costly IT infrastructure.

Also, in light of the recent European rule on US companies using Safe Harbour, it is reassuring to know that our Hosted Exchange data is guaranteed to be stored in the UK.

The Road Ahead
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