Spam, Spam, Lovely Spam...

17 Jan 2014 14:08 by Alexander John (CML)

At the beginning of January we made a few changes to our spam or junk mail filters. Although there have been great strides in dealing with spammers, around 57% of messages received by our servers are identified as being spam.

Although we do intercept and delete a substantial proportion of spam before it is even delivered to individual customer mailboxes, there are some messages that do not quite meet the automatic deletion threshold. These messages are readily identifiable as our filters insert the text [SPAM] into the message's subject.

To make life a little simpler, we've made a small change to all mailboxes. From the beginning of 2013, any spam message that is delivered to a mailbox will now be placed within a new SPAM folder. As there is the possibility that a valid message may be identified as being spam - a false-positive - we recommend that all customers check the contents of the spam folder regularly.

This change only affects our standard mailbox customers. Customers with Hosted Exchange mailboxes have a different spam filtering system.

For more information, please read the knowledgebase article Where is my spam or junk mail.

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