20 Mar 2020 20:34 by Alexander John
Length: 52 seconds (175 words)
In light of the developing situation surrounding the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19, we want to keep you updated regarding measures we are taking to ensure we can continue to deliver our products and services.
We aim to continue to operate as business as usual wherever possible. The only change we are making is that we will no longer undertake any site visits.
If you are experiencing difficulties in paying for products and services please contact us as soon as possible so we can work with you to make things easier.
If an issue should arise, we ask for your patience and understanding whilst it is resolved. Where a service is delivered through a supplier, we are already in contact to discuss and accommodate any changes they may be implementing.
These are exceptional and unprecedented times. Please heed the official government advice at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/. We ask everyone to show kindness and support to one another.
Take care and best wishes to all.
Alexander John
Director, Calzada Media Limited