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Table: user_group

Article Id:
21 Aug 2012, last updated 27 Nov 2013 16:01

Stores user group data. This is limited to the definition of user groups, not individual ACLs which are stored in the user_group_acl table.

Field Type Null Key Default Description
group_id int(10) No Primary
group_ownername varchar(50) No Multiple The user group owner identity
group_ownerid int(10) No 0 The user group owner ID
group_type varchar(40) Yes User group type. Either Security or Distribution
group_identityname varchar(100) Yes Multiple The identity name for the user group
group_verbosename varchar(255) Yes The verbose name for the group
group_description mediumtext No A description of this group and its' usage
group_status tinyint(2) No 0 1 or 0 indicating whether this group is active or inactive
group_permitdeletion tinyint(2) No 0 1 or 0 indicating whether this group may be deleted
group_created datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 The MySQL timestamp of when the group was created
group_lastmodified datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 The MySQL timestampe of when the group was last updated


Keyname Type Cardinality Field(s) Description
PRIMARY PRIMARY 0 group_id Primary
group_owner Index n/a group_owner
group_identityname Index n/a group_identityname
group_owner_and_identity Index n/a group_owner, group_identityname
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