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My domain expired, can I still renew it?

Article Id:
17 Nov 2015, last updated 17 Nov 2015 14:10


This article explains whether it is possible to renew a domain that expired.

Please note that there exceptions to the rules below, notably for .AT and .EU domains.

Domain Grace Period

If your domain expired within the last 14-16 days, you are within the Grace Period and you are typically able to renew your domain without any additional charges.

To renew your domain, login to MyAccount. If you are unable to renew the domain directly, please contact us.

Domain Recovery Period

After 16 days, an expired domain typically moves into the Domain Recovery Period for between 40 and 75 days (recovery periods do vary between TLDs). During this time, it is possible to renew the domain but there will be Recovery Period charge (typically around £75+VAT) in addition to the standard renewal charge.

It is not possible to renew a domain in the Domain Recovery Period through My Account. To arrange renewal, please contact us.

Important Information

Some TLDs - like .at and .EU have different procedures for expired domains.

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