This article demonstrates how to upload files and folders by FTP using FileZilla. To learn how to connect by FTP using FileZilla, see Connecting to FTP using FileZilla.
1. Once connected, you should see a list of folders under the area/panel labelled Remote Site. You should see at least 3 folders: data, logs and wwwroot. The folder you want is wwwroot, so double-click to open it.
For an explanation of what the various folders are for, read about Website Folders.
2. Once the wwwroot folder has been opened, you can begin to upload files. In the left-hand pane labelled Local Site, browse to the folder containing the files you wish to upload. In the screenshot below, we have browse to the My Pictures folder on our computer and are going to upload the file moonrise.jpg.
There are three ways to upload a file:
Double-click on the file to upload
Right-click on the file and select Upload from the contextual menu
You can drag and drop the file from the Local Site pane into the Remote Site pane.
To upload an entire folder, use either the right-click or drag and drop methods.
3. The progress of your uploads will be listed in the bottom-most area/panel of FileZilla.
4. Once all of the files have been uploaded, you can simply close FileZilla to break the FTP connection.