Table: camino_module_page

Article Id
21 Aug 2012 at 14:40
Last Updated
27 Nov 2013 at 16:01

Stores individual module administration page data for modules.

Field Type Null Key Default Description
page_id int(10) No Primary
module_identity varchar(50) Yes The identity of the parent module (see camino_module table)
page_identity varchar(64) Yes The identity of the page (used for page access)
page_title varchar(255) Yes The page title
page_usercontrol varchar(255) Yes The user control that is rendered for this page
page_menuorder tinyint(3) No 50 The order this page will be listed within menus
page_menutooltip varchar(255) Yes The tooltip that is used for this page within menus
page_dashboardorder smallint(5) No 50 The order this page will appear on the parent module's dashboard menu
page_dashboardtext varchar(128) Yes The text that will be used on the parent module's dashboard menu
page_dashboardicon varchar(255) Yes The icon (image or css) that will be used for this page on the parent module's dashboard menu
page_dashboardtooltip varchar(128) Yes The tooltip used for this page on the parent module's dashboard menu


Keyname Type Cardinality Field(s) Description
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