Table: contact_address

Article Id
21 Aug 2012 at 14:14
Last Updated
27 Nov 2013 at 16:01

Generic store holding contact information (address, telephone, email etc) for a variety of owners including user accounts, and organisations.

Field Type Null Key Default Description
address_id int(10) No Primary, Multiple
creator_uid int(10) No 0 The ID of the user who created the record
owner_name varchar(50) Yes Multiple The identity of the object who 'owns' the record
owner_id int(20) No Multiple 0 The ID of the object who 'owns' the record
address_description varchar(100) Yes A short description or title
address_line1 varchar(100) Yes Address Line 1 (typically building number)
address_line2 varchar(100) Yes Address Line 2 (e.g. road name)
address_towncity varchar(100) Yes Address Town
address_county varchar(100) Yes County, state or region
address_postcode varchar(10) Yes Post or zip code
address_telephone varchar(20) Yes Telephone number
address_fax varchar(20) Yes Fax Number
address_mobile varchar(2) Yes Mobile or cellphone number
address_email varchar(20) Yes Email address
address_isprimary tinyint(2) No address_primary 1 or 0 - used to indicate whether this is the primary record for the owner
address_created datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 The timestamp when the record was created
address_lastmodified datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 The timestamp when the record was last modified


Keyname Type Cardinality Field(s)
PRIMARY PRIMARY 0 address_id
owner_name INDEX None owner_name
owner_id INDEX None owner_id
owner_details INDEX None owner_name,owner_id
address_primary INDEX None address_id,address_isprimary
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