This article explains how to enable write permissions on your web hosting account. Write permissions are typically required by websites or web applications that need to create or update files like generating a sitemap.
You do not need to enable write permissions for FTP file uploading.
Security Considerations
There are security implications in enabling write permissions. If your website experiences a security breach or there is a security exploit in your web applications, malicious or unwanted files may be created within your hosting space. We only recommend enabling write permissions if you actually require it.
To enable write permissions on your site, do the following:
- Log into the hosting control panel at http://cp.calzadamedia.net
- Under the applicable hosting space, hover your mouse cursor over the Web icon and then select the Web Sitesoption from the menu that will appear to the right
- From the list of Web Sites, click on the name of the site you wish to manage
- Under the Home Folder tab, check the option Enable Write Permissions
- Click on the Update button to save the setting.