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Configuring IMAP Folders in Windows Live Mail

Article Id:
06 Jan 2015, last updated 16 Mar 2023 18:27


Unlike many e-mail programs, Windows Live Mail does not work correctly with IMAP accounts. The default settings in Live Mail do not correctly assign IMAP folders correctly. To fix this problem, the various settings have to be manually configured,


This article assumes that the IMAP account has already been configured in Windows Live Mail.

1. In Live Mail, right-click on the mail account name and selected Properties from the contextual menu.

Windows Live Mail

2. Within the account properties dialog, click on the IMAP tab

3. Configure the settings as per the details and screenshot below:

  • The option Check for new messages in all folders should be ticked/checked
  • The option Store special folders on IMAP server should be ticked/checked
  • Configure folder paths as (please note that case is important):
    • Sent Items Path = Sent
    • Drafts path = Drafts
    • Deleted Items path = Deleted Items
    • Junk path = SPAM

Windows Live Mail IMAP Folders 2

4. Click on OK to apply the new settings. You may be prompted to refresh your folder list (see screenshot below). If so, click on Yes.

Windows Live Mail IMAP Folders 3

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