FileWatcher Inventory File Reference

Article Id
25 Jan 2019 at 15:31
Last Updated
25 Jan 2019 at 16:41
Reading Time
7 minutes, 25 seconds


This article explains the structure and data stored within XML file generated by FileWatcher's create inventory process.

What is stored

All inventory information is stored within a single XML file (see example below). This file contains details about the inventory itself and also the items included in the inventory.

If not manually specified, FileWatcher will automatically generate a filename based on the system's current date and time.

Inventory Information

The first XML node within inventory file is inventoryInformation. This is used to hold details about the inventory.

Item Explanation
name The name of the inventory. If not is not manually specified, then a name will automatically be generated based on the current system date and time.
description A short description of the inventory.
folderPath The path to the root of the folder being inventoried
ident A notionally unique identifier for the inventory. This is for use in future versions of FileWatcher.
fileCount The number of files included in the inventory.
folderCount The number of folders included in the inventory.
fileSize The total filesize in bytes of all files included in the inventory.
version The version of FileWatcher used to generate the inventory.

Inventory items (files and folders)

An inventory item is the name for an individual XML node used to hold attributes for an inventoried file or folder.

Item Description
type The 'type' of the entry. This is either file or folder.
fullPath The full path to the item
relativePath The relative path to the item from the inventory's folderPath.
size The total size of the item in bytes.
created The filesystem's recorded creation date and time for the item
lastModified The filesystem's recorded date and time of last modification of the item.
checksum The alphanumberic checksum for an item. This only applies for files and will be empty for folders.

Example of an inventory

In the example below, an inventory was created against the folder D:\Testing\FolderToInventory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <name>New Inventory 18 Jan 2019 11:32:21</name>
    <description>Invoked From command line on 18 Jan 2019 at 11:32:21</description>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>18/01/2019 11:26:56</lastModified>
    <checksum />
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>16/05/2011 23:36:23</lastModified>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>16/05/2011 23:36:50</lastModified>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>16/05/2011 23:37:51</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>18/01/2019 11:26:37</lastModified>
    <checksum />
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\A_Bar_at_the_Folies-Bergere_(Manet).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\A_Bar_at_the_Folies-Bergere_(Manet).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:16:41</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\A_Vanitas_Still_Life_(Claesz).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\A_Vanitas_Still_Life_(Claesz).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:17:52</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\A_Young_Girl_Reading_(Fragonard).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\A_Young_Girl_Reading_(Fragonard).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:17:32</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\Adoration_of_the_Magi_(Mantegna).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\Adoration_of_the_Magi_(Mantegna).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:18:11</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\Alexander's_Victory_(Altdorfer).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\Alexander's_Victory_(Altdorfer).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:18:25</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\American_Gothic_(Wood).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\American_Gothic_(Wood).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:17:19</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\Aristotle_Contemplating_the_Bust_of_Homer_(Rembrandt).jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\Aristotle_Contemplating_the_Bust_of_Homer_(Rembrandt).jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:16:46</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\Bathing_at_Asniers.jpg</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\Bathing_at_Asniers.jpg</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:19:52</lastModified>
    <fullPath>D:\Testing\FolderToInventory\Classic Fine Art\Thumbs.db</fullPath>
    <relativePath>Classic Fine Art\Thumbs.db</relativePath>
    <created>18/01/2019 11:26:37</created>
    <lastModified>08/02/2008 00:23:23</lastModified>
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