How do I find the address of the server hosting my website?

Article Id
16 Sep 2016 at 16:43


This article explains how customers may learn the name - and by derivation - the address of the server hosting their website. Server addresses are sometimes required for hosting services like remote management of MariaDB databases.

This article only applies to web hosting.


Via the Hosting Control Panel

  1. Log into the Hosting Control Panel
  2. In the left-hand Main Menu, expand Account Menu and then click on Spaces.
  3. In the Hosting Spaces table within the main pane, you will see a list of hosting packages for your account. The server name will be listed under the SERVER column for the appropriate hosting plan.
    1. The value of SERVER might not be a single entry. If so, the server's name will be the first entry - all of our servers are named after UK rivers.
  4. To get the server's address, append to the name
    • For exampleL if the server name is mersey , the server's address is

Via the Helpdesk

If you have multiple hosting packages or unsure, please contact us for further assistance.

Important Information

Although all of our servers have full DNS addresses - like - these addresses should not be used for CNAME records. Our server addresses often resolve to different IP addresses than those used by hosted websites.

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