Installation and Initial Configuration of WebFileManager

Article Id
28 Jul 2015 at 11:53
Last Updated
01 Aug 2015 at 20:30


This article provides a guide on installing WebFileManager into an existing ASP.Net 4 website.

The information contained within this guide is accurate and relevant for WebFileManager version 0.3.17 (July 2015) and later unless otherwise stated.


Installation of WebFileManager takes only a few minutes and with minimal changes to your ASP.Net application's configuration. Prior to installing WebFileManager, we recommend that you perform a full backup of your website.

Installing Files

Extract the WebFileManager distribution archive ( into a temporary folder. The extracted output should contain two folders: bin and WebFileManager.

  • Copy the contents of the bin folder to your web applications' bin folder. There should only be one file inside this folder called CalzadaMedia.WebFileManager.dll
  • The WebFileManager folder contains the web components of WebFileManager. Copy this folder to wherever you wish to store WebFileManager in your website.

Note: As of version 0.3 (July 2015), WebFileManager does not have any special dependencies.

Configuring Web.Config

Under appSettings add the following key/pair entry. Please note that the key name is case-sensitive.

<add key="WebFileManager_ComponentFolderUrl" value="~/App/Components/WebFileManager" />

Where the value is the ASP.Net path to the WebFileManager folder. For example: ~/Components/WebFileManager

Under system.web/pages/controls add

<add tagPrefix="CalzadaWebFileManager" namespace="CalzadaMedia.WebFileManager.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="CalzadaMedia.WebFileManager" />

Add the reference to the image HttpHandler reference in system.webServer/handlers of:

<add verb="*" path="*Image.axd" type="CalzadaMedia.WebFileManager.Web.UI.HttpHandlers.ImageHandler" />

(Note: if you are using a version of IIS earlier than IIS 7.0, this should go in system.web/httpHandlers without the name property)

Configuring Permissions

As of version 0.3 (July 2015), WebFileManager does not normally require any permissions to be configured for it to operate in its' default readonly mode. If you wish to use WebFileManager Write, Rename or Delete functionality, you must configure your website's permissions accordingly.

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