This article provides steps to assist in finding out which version of Camino you are running. To be able to complete these steps, you will require access to the Camino Administrator.
- Log into Camino Administrator
- In the left-hand menu, click on the Home icon. This should the top-most option with an icon of a house.
- From the top menu, click on the About Camino menu option
- The About Camino page will now be displayed. This page will display values for major and minor versions of Camino. Please include the minor version in support enquiries.
- In the screenshot below, the major version is 0.9, the minor version is 0.9.227 (August 2007)

Additional Notes
- The version displayed refers to Camino CMS, not individual modules. To determine the version of individual modules, go to the Modules Manager.
- Please include the Licence ID in all correspondence relating to your licence.