Blocked E-mail Attachments

Article Id
01 May 2014 at 13:34
Last Updated
01 May 2014 at 13:35


For reasons of security, we automatically block e-mail attachments with certain filename extensions. If anyone attempts to send a message with one of these blocked attachments through our mail system, the message will automatically be rejected.

These blocked extensions apply to our standard mail accounts only.

Blocked Extensions

Attachments with the following file extensions are blocked:

File Extension Description
.action Mac OS Automator Action
.apk Android Application
.app Mac OS Executable
.bat Batch processing file
.bin Binary executable file
.cmd Command file for Windows NT
.com Command
.command Mac OS Terminal Command
.cpl Windows Control Panel extension
.csh C Shell Script
.exe Executable file
.gadget Windows Gadget
.inf Setup file
.ins Windows Internet Communication Settings
.inx InstallShield Compiled Script
.ipa iOS Application
.isu InstallShield Uninstaller Script
.job Windows Task Scheduler Job
.jse JavaScript Encoded file
.ksh Unix Korn Shell Script
.lnk Windows link file
.msc Microsoft Command Console Document
.msi Windows installer file
.msp Windows Installer patch
.mst Windows Installer Setup Transform file
.osx Mac OS Executable
.out Linux Executable
.paf Windows Portable Application Installer file
.pif Windows Program Information file
.prg GEM Executable
.ps1 Windows Powershell script
.reg Windows Registry data file
.rgs Windows Registry script
.run Linux Executable
.scf Windows Explorer command
.scr Windows Screensaver
.sct Windows Scriplet
.shb Windows Document Shortcut
.shs Windows Shell Scrap Object
.u3p U3 Smart Application
.vb VBScript File
.vbe Visual Basic Encoded script
.vbs Visual Basic Script file
.workflow Mac OS Automator Workflow
.ws Windows Script file
.wsf Windows Script file


If you need to send or receive a file with a blocked extension, you may attempt to either rename the file extension or enclose it within a compressed (ZIP) file.

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