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Mailbox Usage Limits

Article Id:
10 Aug 2013, last updated 27 Nov 2013 16:01

All mailboxes included with our hosting packages are subject to a maximum size in megabytes (MB). The maximum permitted size varies between hosting packages.

What happens if a mailbox is full?

Once a mailbox is full, it will not accept any new messages. All incoming messages will automatically be bounced back by our mailservers to the original recipient along with a notification that your mailbox is full.

To start receiving messages again, you should delete some old messages. This can be done either through your e-mail program or through webmail.

Checking Mailbox Usage

You may check your mailbox usage a number of ways. Some e-mail programs like Mozilla Thunderbird will display mailbox usage within the main window.

An alternative approach is to use Webmail. Once logged in, your mailbox usage is displayed at the bottom of the folder list on the left of the page.

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