Abuse Policy

Our policy with regards to abuse of us, our customers and our users.


This document contains our policy with regards to abuse of us, our customers and our users.

If you encounter something your think might constitute abuse (see “What is Abuse?” Section below) which you believe has come from or is hosted by our network or systems, please read through the information on this page clearly. It explains our aim, principles, definitions and how to report abuse.

This policy should be read in conjunction with our Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) and our other legal documents and policies.

From time to time we may need to update this policy. We will announce changes on our website, blog, social media and through notifications in MyAccount.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

This Policy was last updated on the 4th May 2018

Who is Calzada Media?

Calzada Media Limited is a limited company registered in England & Wales, registered number 07793929. Our registered office is situated at 2 Mars Drive, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1RJ

simplicity throughout these Policy, “we”,“us” and "our" means Calzada Media Limited. “You” and “Your” means any visitor or user of our websites and our services. “Customer” means any person, group of people or organisation that have registered a customer account with Calzada Media Limited. “Policy” means this privacy policy. “MyAccount” means our online customer portal. “User” or “Users” means any person or entity that accesses and uses our websites, systems and servers and any such service hosted therein; this includes casual website visitors, automated systems, customers and Users of customer websites.

Our aims and principles

We aim to run a clean network which operates on fair principles. We believe everybody has the right to be heard but not to the detriment of others. We will not tolerate abuse of our staff, our customers our visitors, our network or systems and services.

We are a UK company, registered in England & Wales and operate within the legal framework of English law. If you are a non-UK user, it is possible that what you may consider to be abusive is not considered to be so under English, Scottish or Northern Ireland law.

What do we consider to be abuse?

Abuse includes, but not exclusively:

  • Personal abuse
  • Trolling
  • Spam, malicious or unsolicited mail
  • Phishing or other fraudulent activities
  • Hacking, port scanning and firewall activity
  • Mail service abuse
  • Web service abuse

We reserve the right to extend these definitions should the need arise.

Email misuse including spam, malicious and unsolicited messages

We do not permit the sending of spam, malicious or unsolicited messages through our servers. Our mail servers are configured from being exploited from remote parties. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you should not receive any messages from a company unless they have a legitimate business reason or your explicit consent. For example, a company may a legitimate reason to send you an invoice by email, but cannot send you newsletters unless you have consented.

When reporting abusive messages, please include the following information:

  • The full header and contents of the relevant messages
  • Whether you know the sender.

Web space abuse

If you are aware of any files hosted by us including those within customer websites that you believe to be in abusive, illegal or in contravention of our Terms and Conditions or other legal documents or policies then please report it.

Where possible, please include the following information

  • The Url or website address of the abusive material.
  • The date and time you noticed it.
  • Details of how you came to access the material.
  • A precise description of why you believe the material is in breach.

Please note that we don’t directly manage or monitor the content of customer websites. Consequently, we cannot block abusive actions and/or content from being reoccurring. It is the duty of the website owner to manage the content on their website.

How we work to prevent abuse?

We work to minimise any abuse being generated or stored on our network and servers. You can help us by reporting any abuse you spot which you believe has originated from within our network.

We regularly monitor own network and systems to guard against potential intrusion and exploitation. We also regular update and upgrade our systems with the latest manufacturer patches and updates.

Abuse on customer websites or in customer messages

We are not directly responsible managing the content on our web hosting customer websites or any messages they may send. We cannot nor will be held liable or responsible for the content of customer websites or customer messages. The primary role of managing and controlling this data resides with the customer.

If you have encountered abuse on a customer website or, we recommend you contact them first. If you do not receive an acceptable or timely reply, please contact us.

How to report abuse

Please include as much information about the type of abuse you have encountered. Please also provide log files (if applicable), URLs for website abuse and email headers for unsolicited or malicious messages.

All supplied material will be stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please note that we may be legally obliged to pass your report onto law enforcement or regulatory agencies.

As part of the abuse procedure (see “What happens when abuse is reported?” section below) we may need to check your identity. We may also request additional information to further substantiate your report.

Registered customers

If you are a registered customer – i.e. you have a customer account with us - please report abuse via our support helpdesk.

Other users and visitors

Please report abuse by completing our online Abuse Report form.

What happens when abuse is reported?

Once we receive an abuse report, we will investigate the issue thoroughly. We aim to resolve abuse reports as quickly as possible. Our actions include:

  • We record all abuse reports and investigatory actions within our support helpdesk.
  • We may contact the reporter for additional information and/or to verify their identity.
  • If the potentially abusive content originated with a customer, we may contact them to discuss your report. We will not disclose your personal details unless absolutely required.
  • Irrespective of the outcome of our investigation, we will keep the reporter informed.
  • We may discuss your report with our members of our staff. If you report referred to a service we procure through a third party – like domain registrations – it may be necessary to discuss the report with our suppliers. We will not disclose your personal details unless absolutely required.

How do you decide what is abuse?

This really depends on the type and nature of the reported abuse. Certain actions and content is prohibited by law. Other actions or content may be legal but in violation of our legal documents (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy etc). Other actions or content may be distasteful but ultimately legal and/or compliant with our legal agreements and policies.

The final decision will be made by a senior member of Calzada Media staff.

We will keep the original reporter informed irrespective of our decision.

What happens if I disagree with your decision?

If you disagree with our decision you may request a review.

What happens if you decide abuse has occurred?

If the abuse originated with us

If the abuse originated with us, i.e. a fault with a Calzada Media product, service or system, we will immediately undertake steps to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Abuse originated by a user

If the abuse originated with a user of one our products, services or systems, we have several options available to us and at our discretion, including:

  • Demand the abusive action halts immediately and/or any abusive content is removed.
  • We will directly intervene to block activity or delete abusive content.
  • Suspend, cancel or block access to the user to our products, services or systems.
  • Report the abuse to law enforcement or regulatory agencies.

Abuse originated with a customer

If the abuse originated through one of our customers, we have several options available to us and at our discretion, including:

  • Demand the abusive action halts immediately and/or any abusive content is removed.
  • Calzada Media staff will directly intervene to block activity or delete abusive content.
  • Suspend or cancel the customer account or service
  • Report the abuse to law enforcement or regulatory agencies.

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Calzada Media
Monks Thacky
Burton Lane
HP27 9JF

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